Friday, September 20, 2013

How To Lose Your Boy Best Friend

You’re a girl and you’re best friends with a boy. Here’s a list of what you must NOT do to keep that BFF status:

One, fall for him.
I know you hear a lot of stories about women getting married with their best friend, and Jason and Colbie’s ‘Lucky’ is your jam, but dear, it should have been obvious that you are best friends with that guy because he wants you to be his friend. Not lover. Not someone to cuddle on a rainy day. Not anything. Unless of course you fell for him first before you became BFFs. If that’s the case, then you’re hopeless.

Two, ask him who his other best friends are.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Honestly? You’re the best friend, not the girlfriend. So what if he does not realize that the word ‘best’ is an adjective that should pertain to a singular subject, it’s his problem. Don’t be jealous of them, it will freak him out. Unless you’ve already committed mistake number one. If that’s the case, then you’re hopeless.

Three, tell him you love him.
You’re watching too many movies. If he says he loves you back, don’t get your hopes up. The phrase would most likely be followed by ‘because you’re my best friend,’ and you’d feel the humiliation of being friend-zoned. Have some regard for yourself, let him say it first. Unless you believe that life is short and you should be honest about how you feel, then you’re hopeless.

Four, open his facebook account.
He needed you to send an important email so he gave you his password. After sending the email, you suddenly became aware of the power that’s in your hands and tried using the same password on his FB account, and voila, you got in. You check his chats and realize not only that he has other best friends, but also a handful of girlfriends. If you got heartbroken after this incident, then you’re hopeless.

Five, tell him you accessed his facebook account.
 Are you out of your mind? This is relationship suicide. You think he’ll forgive you and understand why you did it because you’re BFFs? No dear, this is friendship over. If you’ve reached this level of craziness, then you’re hopeless.

Now, if you did all five, congratulations! You lost him.

There will always be exceptions to every rule though…

 Like my case.

A response to Readwave Weekly Challenge: Instructions 

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